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insert joining block, for two inserts mating

Part number CBGF

Product description
Product type insert joining block
Specification for two inserts mating
Further technical details
Weight 15,00 g
General ordering information
EAN13 code 8015747011150
eCl@ss 8.1 27440201
ETIM 7.0 EC002309
Packaging Information
Sub-packaging length 50,00 mm
Sub-packaging height 44,00 mm
Sub-packaging width 50,00 mm
Sub-packaging weight 0,05 kg
Sub-packaging volume 0,11 dm³
Sub-packaging description Plastic box
Sub-packaging quantity 3 Pcs
Sub-packaging EAN barcode 8015747011167


Dimensions shown in mm are not binding and may be changed without notice.

CBGF combination block

- Allows two 44.27 size inserts to be inserted in 104.27 size enclosures and on the following COB series items: COB TCQ, COB 24 BC, COB TSF, COB TSFS,COB 24 CMS;
- Allows female contacts and male contacts in the same enclosure or mounting;
- Allows mixed type contacts in the same enclosure or mounting (for example, 6 poles 16A CNF + 24 poles 10A CDDF)

- enclosures:size 104.27
- panel supports:COB
- inserts with screw fixing centre distance:(2x) 44 x 27 mm

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